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60 - 75 years old - Autumn

60 - 75 years old - Autumn

The seasons are changing and you can tell by the effect of gravity on your body and soul. Everything is heading south with great pace unless you implement a maintenance routine.

During autumn you can loose your identity, suddenly you are no longer employed and part of the system. If you job was your life you are in for a rude awakening as you are no longer a player in the game. Many men at this stage get a little lost. Plan for your retirement, put in place hobbies and jobs to do when free time is available in abundance.

Life’s issues and mysteries make more sense as you have a better handle on life. Your life skills should be at a premium at this stage, use them wisely. 

Time races past so much fast, years feel like months and months like weeks. Use your time to the max and enjoy each moment.

It is time to get a dog, cat or bird…they provide unconditional love, companionship and will bring a smile to your lips most days.  

Your health is no longer a given! You are now into the season of maintenance, if any symptoms appear get them looked at in a timely fashion. You start seeking and searching for the magic pill…its worth investigating natural remedies.

The belly can be a permanent fixture unless you have put a physical regime in place. Stay active, eat less and keep an eye on your plate size. It is better to eat four small meals a day the size of a side plate. Make sure you chew every last morsel and take time to enjoy flavours.

Wellbeing Advice

  • During autumn you can lose your identity, suddenly you are no longer employed and a part of the system. If your job was your life you are in for a rude awakening as you are no longer a player in the game. Many men at this stage get a little lost. Plan for your retirement, put in place hobbies and jobs to do when free time is available in abundance. Volunteer in community services.
  • Your health is no longer a given, checks and colonoscopies sort that illusion. You are now into a season of maintenance if any symptoms appear get them looked at in a timely fashion.
  • You start to attend more funerals than weddings and some friends may have shuffled off the planet. This is the circle of life, for more information about grieving upload the free Well Man app via the QR code and check in the Social Wellbeing section.
  • For great dietary advice upload the free Well Man app for easy recipes and information about reading cans, what nuts to eat and healthy eating for men. Upload via the QR code at the bottom of this page.
  • It is time to find a great moisturiser as your skin will start to get dryer and crack. Small maintenance habits go a long way to longevity.
  • No backing up into your cave. Autumn is a time to become socially active, make an effort to talk and socialise with people.
  • Underlying trauma tends to surface in autumn, make an effort to seek professional assistance now! It is wise to get rid of the burden of trauma otherwise it can derail the opportunity to really enjoy your life to the full.

Action Plan

  • Ask your doctor about protein levels, heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke risk
  • Consider getting a pet
  • Keep moving
  • Connect with nature
  • Start tapping therapy for anxiety
  • Practice heart breathing
  • Try daily push-ups
  • Learn a new language or musical instrument
  • Take up yoga or Pilates
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Acknowledgement (First Nations and Lived Experience)

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge that sovereignty has never been ceded. 

We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.

Well Man
An initiative of Selectability
Registered Charity